"What?" the one receiving the smile asks.
My subtle forms of communication are received, but the receptor generally wants me to articulate the sentiment, e-motion, energy in motion, in words.
How can I when the moment has passed, due in part to the verbal interruption, "What?"
If there had not been such a disturbance, who knows how long my smile may have lingered.
Seth says, "...you cannot hold thought. The thought of a moment before, in your terms, vanishes away" (Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts).
Am I being psychically lazy by making excuses not to follow my smile and honor the other's sincere inquiry of "What?"
What if I could follow my smile and articulate the e-motion at the same time?
Seth says, "If there is any point where your own consciousness seems to elude you or escape you, or if there is any point where your consciousness seems to end, then these are the points where you have yourselves set up psychological and psychic barriers, and these are precisely those areas that you should explore. Otherwise you feel as if your consciousness is enclosed within our skull, immobile and constricted, and every lost thought or forgotten memory at least symbolically seems like a small death. And such is not the case."
Hmmm... as Delmy Fierro says, "This is something to coach about."
I like the empty feeling in my mind when I am pure e-motion. I like the freedom to express and create without the slow process of linguistic articulation.
I meditate and see visions, and meaning, deep intrinsic truths are revealed to me. The process takes only minutes, and I expand exponentially. Words drive me into the past, into perseveration.
What is this language we use? A tool that sets us apart from all the rest, yet not the ONLY communication tool! When in evolution did humans decide to ditch non-verbal communication?
Why would I have chosen this limitation for myself? I believe we have non-verbal communication receptors and transmitters built in. The mathematical proof of string theory is only valid if there are 11 dimensions. Physics can only prove there are four. Perhaps non-verbal communication is a dimension of its own- one we have chosen to ignore.
Are we driven by fear?
Fear of having our thoughts heard?
If this is the case, then perhaps a solution is purification of thought. If one's thoughts are pure, fear has nothing to feed on.
Maybe that's why I connect with Alice Walker's writing so intensely. From We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For, Walker speaks of the empty mind:
"Most of us believe emptiness is nothing, and we fear having nothing. Emptiness, however, is filled with possibility, filled with space. I have learned to enjoy watching my empty mind. Unlike the minds of many of my friends, my mind is often completely blank; I know it is there, bu there is nothing in particular in it. My memory, for that reason, is sometimes described - by those who know me- as poor. My retrieval system slow and faulty. Having this empty mind though, has many benefits. I may not be able to recall something said twenty years or minutes ago,but I can watch the gentle arrival of something entirely new...
Contemplate your mind.
What is in it?...
Do you know how to empty your mind?...
Can you imagine a mind that feels itself part of one big mind; the mind of the Universe, waiting on instruction??
Pause for a day.
Clean your mind.
Sit by the ocean and let the breezes help you do this."
Enough said.
Beautiful... but is very poor articulation of what I feel non-verbally.
You are really exploring some deep thoughts here. And I am still pondering on what you said not so much because I do not understand it but because it is an idea that does require a lot of exploration.
But I do know for myself, I struggle with the written/spoken word. I usually feel after I write something and/or say something that what came out verbally is such a poor comparsion of how I truly feel, think, express. I run into the question, is there some barrier within me that keeps me from the translation into verbal form?
I even have the situation where I am in conversation with someone and they start looking at me funny or I am starting to wonder why they are not responding... then I realize I have been communicating "telepathically" or rather talking in my head which does not reach to the point of articulating into verbal form. I do it more often that I realize. I say this because I have become more and more conscious of this habit now.
I do not know if it is a good thing or bad thing in the sense of communication. Good because maybe I am in touch with some aspect of the nonverbal expression? Bad because if I really want to communicate with people and they are using verbal means for communication.... well we are not going to get very far! haha
Wow, these are some deep thoughts- how cool!
And we were able to do a pretty good job articulating them in words!
I look off into the sky and feel that there is a simple, fast method of retrieving information about anything. I feel that it is sitting right beside me, lingering, tempting me to try it- who knows, maybe I'll give it a whirl. Maybe it's just that easy, to accept it.
I know what you mean about telepathy and those gaps that cause miscommunication and misunderstanding. I see it in Swede when he is trying to make an appointment with someone or give directions, etc... it's like he is thinking it in his head, says a few words and thinks they got it all, but he never really articulated it.
I have no doubt that I do it, too, but I don't catch it as often in myself. Probably because I talk a mile a minute and nothing could possibly be left out!
RaChel, honestly i don't understand the complications.
Life is simple.
Living is simple.
The ultimate understanding is to make life simple. We make it complicated then find ways to simplify it.
Been away RaChel, traveling, couldn't visit many blogs. Came back last night. Hope you are doing fine.
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