Friday, August 24, 2007

Abstract One

One has wanted to go back to school and earn a PhD, as the further educated one becomes, the broader one's worldview, and the more opportunities arise to live an emotionally and intellectually stimulating life. Travelling the world is something one longs to do, and as one finds herself unable to travel physically at this time, one is travelling vicariously through the writings, photo journalism and film documentaries of others.

One is hoping that through her research, a dissertation will start to take shape. As others read along, if any notice patterns or connections, or if any have keen insights, all may share. Perhaps some have heard the story presented from different angles; all may share. If any have leads that will take one's understanding deeper, all may share.
Because what one has read and seen has been so provocative, one is inclined to share with others the issues one finds to be paramount in the decisions all make in the upcoming elections.

One of the greatest lessons one hopes all children and adults will learn is a very simple Newtonian Law: "III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." In other words, every action has a consequence. In one word: karma. Many say karma with a tone of shame after one has experienced the negative consequences of an action, whether it be immediate or delayed. Karma is the result of making a choice that has some benefit, yet tied to it is an inherent consequence that hurts something or someone, somewhere. Kriya is the action taken that benefits everyone and everything!

All may try it. Next time one has a choice about an action that may be taken, one may stop and meditate until he or she has found the solution that will benefit all! If in this process one cannot think of any solution that fulfills this prerequisite, one may not take action.

One is here, as Joseph Campbell prescribed, to follow one's bliss. One exists to live joyously. But, is it truly bliss or joy when it causes pain and tumult elsewhere? In the movie "The Beach," the protagonist, Richard, uncovers a disturbing truth: "In the perfect beach resort, nothing is allowed to interrupt the pursuit of pleasure- not even dying."

Later, when Richard is ultimately faced with death, he explodes: "If you pull the trigger it's all over. This time it's not like Cristo rotting out in the woods where no one can see. This time, everyone has to watch, Sal. Everyone has to see what it takes to keep our little paradise a secret. Come on, everyone, watch! Let's let them see the blood this time. Let's see if they can take it."

Sal responds confidently: "They can take it," and pulls the trigger.

As one writes this blog and reveals all the Cristos rotting in the woods, will you be able to "take it?"


Gipsy Ing said...

This is incredible. Very profound with the beginning entry.

I never realized that Karma does have a consenquence that is negative, hurtful. But then again, I never really pondered or analyzed what "karma" entails. It is also interesting that Paul, my former roommate, and I had many discussions on this topic of "consenquences." We liked to discuss how our or other people's choices could/do lead to different outcomes, consenquences. Both positive and negative.

I am excited to see where this blog will take you.

Mrs. SwedeHart said...

I am equally excited to see where it takes you:)

When I originally wrote it in my journal, I wrote it in the first person- switching it to third was a humorous effort, and it definitely loses a lot of it's power. But, better to do it now, than have to translate the whole gosh darn thing later!

Swede, Wyatt and Zabrina are at a Trumpet concert at Ketzin, and I am at the JahGee yoga studio, preparing for my class tonight.

Gipsy Ing said...

oh one thinks third person is powerful. definately makes one stop and think more deeply... at least it did for one. :)

But on another note.... Yes, your blogs sometimes inspires something in me as well. :) I am feeling a shift lately in myself. Searching for something that seems lost but yet I know it is not lost. But exploration is part of the journey. And lately the books I have come across at the library seem to be like "omens and more than concincedences" on the topics I need most to hear about to help me on my quest, vision, and calling. It is an exciting process.

Have fun with yoga!

Ginnie Hart said...

This is quite the journey One is taking. Hopefully All will benefit from the ride! :)

Ruth said...

Muse on.

Dave said...

ONE Rachel,

Looks like your doing some more inventing of ONE. I wish you good luck. Remember to get your heart pumping a little faster than normal everyday and all your dreams will come true!

Mrs. SwedeHart said...

Hey Dave!!! So glad you made it! Yes, I have actually had two nice runs lately. I am probably going back to California this weekend to beach bum a little more while the opportunity is there:)

How's UT?

One is so pleased to hear from all!!! Much love:p

rauf said...

Honestly Rachel, i don't understand this experiment with 'ONE' Its your blog, your thoughts and experiences. Probably some philosophy has told you the significance or insignificance of 'I' You exist, how ever insignificant your existence in the universe may be. The universe exists for me as long as i exist. The universe does not exist when i cease to exist. It may continue to exist for you. But i am not there. All philosophies lead you nowhere. The world is better off without them. They have nothing to do with nature. They have nothing to do with your blood and the pumping of your heart. These philosophies have nothing to do with rational functions that come out of cereberal cortex, right and left. Please look into your own body before you read another word of philosophy.

Rachel, Karma is absolute garbage.

Newtons laws cannot be applied everywhere, they are established laws of 'MOTION'. Every action doesn't have equal and opposite reaction. Passing of time is action, your holiday is action. Consequences are not reactions. Positive thoughts, positive actions will have positive consequences, but not always. Things go wrong even for monkeys.

Mrs. SwedeHart said...

Yes, that is the fun-poking of the thesis paper writing style. One is never allowed to refer to the self. Everything must be completely objective; that is, one's feelings or personal reactions may not be expressed- just the facts jack.

Of course, it is impossible to write without inserting self- and that is the joke of it all. We are taught to write in the 3rd person and yet know at the same time that our personal beliefs are present in every word that comes out of our mouths.

I do believe in Karma. I believe that we create everything. So when something good happens, it's fair to say, "I did that!" And when something bad happens, with the same enthusiasm, I can boast, "I did that!"

However, I do not believe in good and bad, positivity and negativity in the sense of permanence. These sensations and our reactions to them are temporary and ever changing.

Yes, I agree, Newton's Laws exist in the 1st three dimensions, and obviously, they do not in the rest, and as to how many dimensions there are, I venture to say infinite, though, I don't dare claim to know for sure.

Rauf, I appreciate the lessons you share with me. I feel very honored that you would have me seek the answers in my own body. That is the truth! That is why I don't understand why physicists spend billions of dollars digging holes in the ground to smash atoms together, when the Yogis and Buddhas have already described in great detail life at the quantum level!

Those billions would have far better served to feed, clothe, shelter and allow persons to enjoy the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment.