One is hoping that through her research, a dissertation will start to take shape. As others read along, if any notice patterns or connections, or if any have keen insights, all may share. Perhaps some have heard the story presented from different angles; all may share. If any have leads that will take one's understanding deeper, all may share.
Because what one has read and seen has been so provocative, one is inclined to share with others the issues one finds to be paramount in the decisions all make in the upcoming elections.
One of the greatest lessons one hopes all children and adults will learn is a very simple Newtonian Law: "III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." In other words, every action has a consequence. In one word: karma. Many say karma with a tone of shame after one has experienced the negative consequences of an action, whether it be immediate or delayed. Karma is the result of making a choice that has some benefit, yet tied to it is an inherent consequence that hurts something or someone, somewhere. Kriya is the action taken that benefits everyone and everything!
All may try it. Next time one has a choice about an action that may be taken, one may stop and meditate until he or she has found the solution that will benefit all! If in this process one cannot think of any solution that fulfills this prerequisite, one may not take action.
One is here, as Joseph Campbell prescribed, to follow one's bliss. One exists to live joyously. But, is it truly bliss or joy when it causes pain and tumult elsewhere? In the movie "The Beach," the protagonist, Richard, uncovers a disturbing truth: "In the perfect beach resort, nothing is allowed to interrupt the pursuit of pleasure- not even dying."
Later, when Richard is ultimately faced with death, he explodes: "If you pull the trigger it's all over. This time it's not like Cristo rotting out in the woods where no one can see. This time, everyone has to watch, Sal. Everyone has to see what it takes to keep our little paradise a secret. Come on, everyone, watch! Let's let them see the blood this time. Let's see if they can take it."
Sal responds confidently: "They can take it," and pulls the trigger.
As one writes this blog and reveals all the Cristos rotting in the woods, will you be able to "take it?"